FEDAN INVESTMENT LIMITED [FIL] has an interest in providing world-class communication/mobile phone gadgets, lighting, electrical appliances/accessories, and CCTV/Security gadgets that will help meet the demands of our numerous customers worldwide.
FEDAN INVESTMENT LIMITED was incorporated by the corporate affairs commission in the year 1994.
Engaged in the importation and distribution. Within a short span of time-scaled phenomenal heights due to her quality products, professionalism, prompt and steady supply of products.
The company offers a fabulous and versatile range of products that score high in terms of outlook packaging and finishing, performance, and durability.
The company’s strength and expertise lie in its team of a dedicated workforce. Within this short period, the staff strength of the company is 96%. Highly qualified and skilled in performing the jobs to perfection, they form the bulwark of the company with an excellent sense of customer relations to achieve its corporate objective.
We have customers all over Africa and beyond. In order to provide the best quality products, our team of engineers and quality control experts conducts the stringent quality test in conformity with the provisions of standards organization of Nigeria, FIL brand of products have passed several tests, hence, our watchword – QUALITY VALIDITY
Our Slogan as a Quality firm is THINK QUALITY THINK FIL
Our Mission
Our commitment to quality and reliability means that our products have a long
shelf life, and their design and user experience are second to none.
Our Vision
Providing world class quality communication gadgets/ Lightnings, Electrical Appliances/ Accessories and CCTV Gadgets to meet the demands of our numerous customers worldwide.